Mustard Seed Marketing Services


Our Services

Website Design

We design your site and then make sure that you get traffic by getting you ranked on page 1 of Google.

SEO Services

We do keyword research, find out what your clients are searching for and then we rank it on page 1 on Google and other search engines.

Lead Generation & Telemarketing Services

Whether it’s PPC advertising or cold calling, we’ve got you covered.

Social Media Marketing & Management

You focus on your business, we’ll generate leads from your social media.


Do you show up in the first 2 pages on Google?
Get a Quote to rank your website on Google page 1 for huge traffic increases to your website.

No Project Too Big Or Too Small

Being successful at marketing as a business owner is a lot of work while still running your business.   Make no mistake, without marketing services your business will fail.   It’s so important that you shouldn’t be trying to wing it on your own.  It’s much like a construction site.  It takes planning and time which require special skills from various parties tailor made for your business, market and niche with a lot of technical know how needed.  You wouldn’t build your own business premises, why would you with Marketing considering it is the most important factor in your businesses success.   If you’re not selling product, you don’t have a business.

You have to build the basic foundation to work upon, plan and strategize, outsource the heavy lifting and skills you don’t understand and can’t do.  And then there are skills you don’t even know about that you should be doing.  It takes a number of skills that need to be brought together to build your business.  And as a business owner, you don’t have the time or skill to compete with those that do it full time for a living.   This only means one thing.   That your competitors will have the upper hand in the area you operate in.

By outsourcing your marketing function to us we can leverage professional skills and time that you can’t or can’t afford to hire full-time.   We’ll be more effective, we’ll bring in more revenue that will pay for our services and you’ll be spending more time on the things that you should be as a business owner that brought you into business in the first place.  80% of businesses fail.   And that’s because they’re not selling their product.   If they were selling their product, they’d still be in business.   Those are really bad odds.

So that’s where we come in.   We understand that you’re juggling too much and that you need to give the ball to someone else who will be more successful at it than you are.  Most of those business owners who failed also thought that they could wing it.   That they could do the marketing function without help.   They were wrong.  We have no doubt about that, it’s the reason we’re still in business and you’re on this website.   Selling product is literally 50% of your business, but as a proportion of your business how much time and money do you actually spend on it?  So reach out and let us be of service to you, allow us to help you and to take your business to new heights.

Years Established

Completed Projects

We’ve been in the trenches HELPING business owners build their businesses with marketing know how and tech savvy for over 20 years in cumulative experience.

Call For a Quote:

Robyn:  084 406 0801

When we take on your business as a client, with us as your marketing arm, we take that very seriously as if it was our own business.   We take responsibility and ownership for it as it should be.  We stand by that philosophy because to us it’s a reciprocal mutually beneficial relationship.

Let’s Build Something Together

Let’s talk about that thing that you had in mind that you wanted to do for your business that you thought was a good idea.    Let’s put your ideas into practice.   And if you have no idea, we’re here for that too.   We’ll come up with kickass appropriate ideas for your business.

What bag of skills do you bring to the business?

Web hosting
Web design
SEO services for business and online products. (And we have a real good one)
Brand strategy
Brand identity design (incl logo design, email signatures, etc) Creative copywriting
Social media strategy
Social media content plans
Social media community management
Social media post design & management
Social media advertising
Radio production
Google search ads
Online advertising & banners
Emailers and mass marketing
Business cards
Other print collateral
Cold calling telesales

Do you have a portfolio or samples of your past campaigns or client work?

Yes.  Avalilable in one on one meetings.

What is video marketing and why do I need it?
Videos can be used on your social media, website and Youtube, to send traffic back to your site about your product. It increases Google traffic. Especially for businesses just starting out, video can capture the attention and understanding of your target audience in under 2 minutes. When viewers watch a video, they retain 95% of the message, yet only 10% after reading written content.
How do you measure the results of your marketing efforts?
Measuring and tracking our work is important to confirm we’re doing the right thing. We probide clients with monthly update reports. We use Google Analytics and Google Search Console and SEM Rush amongst others as our main performance indicators, including increases in traffic, sales and inquiries and revenue performance depending on what we’re actually doing for you as a service.
Who is responsible for creating the content your agency provides?

We are.  We have in-house preferred partners who are copy writers who work together with our graphic artists on what they want for whats best for the content being written.  It’s a collborative team effort.

Does my business really need digital marketing?

Digital marketing can bring a lot of opportunities and growth to businesses. It  leads to exposure and more sales.  After all, your goal as a business owner is to increase your profit.   And that’s the point of digital marketing.  If you want to see improvements in your business or increase your sales, you have to get your hands into digital marketing, because I can assure you, your competitors have and this is where most of their growth is coming from if done right.

How much involvement is required from the business?

To help you better understand your situation, we have developed a scale of outsourced marketing maturity. Marketing tasks tend to be either specialized or routine. Specialized functions are needed infrequently and require a relatively high level of skill. Routine operations are conducted on a regular basis and require less skill, though they are not necessarily easy to implement or manage.

This scale is a tool you can use to determine your firm’s level of investment in outsourced marketing. It is not a measure of marketing sophistication (for instance, a Level 5 is not necessarily better than a Level 1), nor do individual levels correspond to firm size. But if you are evaluating outsourcing as a strategy, this scale can help you understand how you compare to other firms.

Level 1 – All functions in-house. This level tends to apply to firms at both extremes of sophistication — those that do little marketing at all and those with large, highly skilled marketing teams.

Level 2 – Some specialized functions outsourced. Usually this approach is used by firms that try to handle most of their marketing inside the firm even if they aren’t expert at them. These firms outsource only when they don’t have the skills to carry out a particular task (such as designing and coding a website).

Level 3 – Outsource specialized functions. Retain routine operations. These firms want experts working on the most technical aspects of their marketing. A relatively low-level in-house marketing team takes care of the more straightforward tasks.

Level 4 – Most specialized functions and some routine operations outsourced. Firms at this level maintain a very small marketing team to handle a few tasks that they want to keep close to home. But the majority of their marketing is conducted by an external firm that coordinates with the in-house team.

Level 5 – All functions outsourced. At Level 5, all marketing, including much of the strategy, is handled by a third-party team. This team works closely with management to align the marketing strategy with overall business objectives. Firm management is kept apprised of performance at frequently, regular intervals.

Client Testimonials

Mustard Seed Marketing Services is our preferred Marketing Advertising and Public Relations Agency.

The company helmed by Robyn Loy oversees our social media accounts, sms campaigns and marketing pertaining to customer satisfaction and awareness online.

Mustard Seed Marketing Services executes our marketing on a consistent and regular basis and Robyn and her growing team do so in a professional and efficient manner.

Steven Albert

Nelson’s Eye

My clients and patrons have told me  how good my marketing is and how far a reaching we are.  We are getting the word out there about our Portuguese restaurant.


Toni's on Kloof

Robyn and her team are consistent and deliver results. I’m very happy with my website and Mustard Seed Marketing Services is reliable and results driven.

Bradley Steele

Brads Grill

Robyn is an exceptional communicator and marketer of my book, The Spider and The Butterfly. I enjoy working with her and trust her explicitly. Robyn is passionate about her business and focused on the marketing of my book. I am so grateful and highly recommend her professional services! Debbie-lyn Wilson, author of “The Spider and The Butterfly.”

Debbie Lyn

Author and solopreneur

Our social media marketing is definitely working. Calls as far as the Far East but in 5 months it generated over a million and a half in revenue.

Ashley Daniels

Ryan's Construction

“A record of 800 shares on posts!” We are very impressed.

Brendon Guy

Guy and Associates

Contact Us

Cape Town, South Africa

+27 84 406 0801

Note: We are a collective of sought after professionals working from home because we don't have time for travel or office politics. We just get on with getting the job done which has cost benefits which we like to pass on to you.